Just Joined up yesterday thought I’d say hi. I’ve built some kits in my youth and have been kind of collecting for a while. so, I have a varied assortment of stuff, seems like a lot of aircraft and some armor with some old 40s style pickups and cars thrown in I hope to be able to get going in the next few months and join a build or two. Also, may be looking at trying my hand at a ship model at a later date. So for now, I will be reading and following along.
Welcome from across the pond, lots of knowledgeable people around here so ask away with any questions you have.
Welcome. I’m sure we’ll all look forward to seeing your builds.
Thanks, I am sure I will have more than a few. Glad to have found this place.
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Welcome along to the forums!
Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy the ride?
Greetings and welcome! Back around the year 2000, I kinda fell back into model building the same way. Bought a few kits just to look at 'em. Bought a few more. Eventually built one but did not paint it. Then things spiraled out of control… Been in and out of model building ever since. 
Welcome aboard!
Where abouts do you live in the Palmetto State? I live just north of the metro Columbia region. If you’re interested in local model cubs or local scale modeling events in SC, I’ll be happy to pass on some info to you. If you live anywhere near the Cola area, please let me extend an invite to join our local modeling club.
Feel free to PM me for details on clubs and events.
In the meantime, here’s an event for your consideration:
2024 SC Scale Model Mega Show
This is our club’s annual model show that puts the emphasis on the “exhibition” part of the event while putting the judging and other stuff in their proper place, which is to say, providing feedback to each and every entrant on how to improve his or her skills and art. Our show is about the models and the modelers and not about “competition.”
Welcome from across the water. Enjoy the site, ask questions as someone will know the answer… Look forward to seeing some of your builds, past or present.
Hello, I live west of Columbia in the sandhills area I checked the link out I may check the event out if it goes along with my work schedule. It looks interesting I may get in touch later sometime in regard to joining a club. Thanks again for the information.
Hello all I look forward to jumping in at some point in the future. Thanks for the welcomes.
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Reach out any time you want.
Our local club holds regular monthly meetings in the Irmo area at a location on St. Andrews Rd., and we usually also hold a monthly “build day” at someone’s house. (We just had a club build day yesterday.)
We’re an AMPS chapter, but we have members who build all different genres and subject besides just armor. (One of the guys at the build day yesterday was working on an aircraft model.) Same with our annual show. It’s an all-genres-all-subjects show.
At any rate, if you’re looking for some scale modeling social contact, don’t hesitate to touch base.
Welcome to the Dark Side. resistance is Futile!
Outstanding bunch of guys here, you won’t be disappointed.
Not Ready for Prime Time, Tony
Welcome aboard from the other better Carolina.