Hello everybody!! My name is Joe and I just stumbled across this site. I saw some familiar faces here so I decided to join up. For the last 7 years I’ve been building automotive subjects but have been known to build an aircraft here and there. Looking forward to building and learning along the way with you all.
Welcome Joe!
So what kind of automotive subjects?
Welcome to the forum Joe.
Thanks Mark and AB!
Mark: Mostly subjects from the 60’s and 70’s but I’ve been known to throw some subjects from the 80’s and 90’s in there too. I’ve got a Maverick build already posted in the Auto Section
And welcome Joe and hope you enjoy your time here
Thanks Johnny.!
Been out of pocket for the last month or so due to changes at work but am working my way through it. This is a great forum and I can’t wait to get back in here and learn some more as well as to contribute.
Sorry I haven’t been around much as of late gang. Just got through seeing our sons graduation through and hosting a big ass party. Getting back in the swing of things in the upcoming days. Be seeing you guys soon…