Help Gluing me back together

Hi all. I am reaching out to all my friends in the modeling community for an appeal for help. I have been a member here for many years going back to the original site but even still I am not sure most of you know what recently happened and my situation. A little over three years ago 6/20/20 I had an accident, a fall from heights, that resulted in a burst fracture to my spine at the T12 level and damage to my spinal cord that paralyzed me from the waist down. In recent days my wife Lily has started a gofundme page to help with expenses of a stem cell treatment I am planning to have. The help I’m asking, besides monetary and just as important is to share and spread the word and this post to help me possibly get treatment that may help me walk again. It has been three years and it has been both a physical and mental struggle with many up’s and down’s, mostly downs, but now there is some hope and I want to get aggressive and take action but I need some help as the treatment is potentially quite expensive. I hope I can count on all you who I have shared this hobby and many builds and ideas with, those I looked forward to corresponding with and sharing good builds and time with both here and the few I have met at shows. This hobby has helped me through some difficult times although it is a real struggle to build from a wheelchair so I am reaching out to you, my modeling family for help to glue me back together again… Thank you all for your time-

gofundme link-