It’s a stretch, but let’s put on our Vulcan thinking beanies and look at this logically:
First of all, why would I say
if I had been on my non-existant Facebook account and seen what you posted?
While I did go to grade school in the same county as you, I actually did learn to read. To say it does not appear to be a rebox makes no sense for anyone if they had read that statement. Your math ain’t qute mathin’.
But that’s a minor point. Let’s move on. If you say you built the Zimi kit for a mysterious customer, I have no reason to doubt you. But if it came on the market a year ago, with the Kitty Hawk logo and Kitty Hawk instructions, how does that make it a Zimi kit? I posit that it was not, even if Sprue Brothers now gives it a ZIM prefix . Of course they would - that doesn’t make a Kitty Hawk kit into a Zimi kit. There’s an analogy that Dave Chappelle could explain better than I can. I won’t attempt it here lest the censor Nazis stroke out.
We all know Zimi has acquired the molds from Kitty Hawk and Panda.
Zimi has created box art for an M109A7 kit - we saw it over two months ago.
You stated categorically:
If we’re to believe that, where’s the kit? They got new box art, and the molds - they should be churning them out as fast as possible before RFMs kit comes out. Logically, right?
But what are they waiting for? Santa’s elves to put them all into new boxes?
They’ve reboxed other kits, and put their own artwork and logo on them. The ZSU 23-4 comes to mind. Same with the ZBD -04A. A couple of 1/48 Urals as well. Probably a few more I’m not aware of. So why would they put their logo on all of these kits, and not the one you built?
Again, you may think you built the new Zimi kit, and like the universe’s most famous logician, Spock, maybe you did, having discovered some new way to traverse the time/space continuum as he did, and thus obtaining and building the kit before it came out. Of course I could be totally wrong, but again I ask, what are they waiting for on the M109A7 and the new helos? Where are they? What’s taking so long? I suggest they’re doing something to them. Adding Manga figures, making a box that folds into a diorama base, who knows? I guess we’ll all find out together.