Highlight of Trumpeter 2024-25 catalogue, HEMTT A4s Coming!

Trumpeter has announced an M1120A4 coming as well, along with their Iron Dome launcher on it.


For US Army I hope?


Instead of an Iron Dome, the should better make the REBS or M7 FRS-H.

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Yes, this is the US Army version.

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For completeness sake, Trumpeter should also do the reload truck.

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Well, yeah.

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Is there a link to the full catalogue or at the very least the 1/35th scale releases?

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The images above are snips from a video that is a link from a link from a link on large scale planes, I posted those because I knew there was interest in the A4 HEMTT (Gino & others), but Iā€™ve not seen a pdf of it anywhere.

Given its January, Iā€™m surprised that there are not more 2024 catalogues out there, it cannot be that the manufacturers are still trying to determine subjects for the year. Can it?


It may be considered antiquated, but all the manufacturers still produce paper catalogs. Those catalogs are for sale right now, so youā€™re not going to find a pdf. of them.

Some Asian manufacturers wait for the Spring Asian Model Expos to announce and showcase their new kit releases.

When it comes to model kitsā€¦yes, manufacturers spend all year determining what to release, especially when it comes to (resin) figures that can be announced at any time of the year. That is why the saying, ā€œIā€™ll wait for the Holiday sales to buyā€ no longer holds much merit anymore because (especially) resin figure kits are released all year long and by the end of the year, the Limited Edition kits may be all sold out with no chance of ever getting another one or recast again.


Looks like lots of modern US trucks coming our way:

New releases - Scalemates

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Nice. If the below list comes to fruition, I will be very happy. Esp. the armored cab M923.

You are all welcome for the M1088 Tractor and M1074 PLS as well. Build it (from scratch or major conversion) and he will comeā€¦in kit form.



I was hoping that Trumpeter would put out a T90 M this year. :unamused:

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Trumpeter showed in their catalogue three variants of the Sd.Kfz. 9 Famo at least four years ago, none has been released so far.
Maybe you will be lucky and get these sooner.

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As of today, my statement is still correct, this is expected middle/end February :slight_smile:

And in any case, it has taken some four years to materialiseā€¦


One, but only one, of them is one the horizon,
only Trumpeter, and maybe not even them,
knows when the rest will turn up.
I do hope that the wait will have been worth it ā€¦


That is why I saidā€¦

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Considering the fact the Trumpeter catalog usually spans two years, I wouldnĀ“t hold my breath for a release of all these this year. I wish that Trumpeter would correct the errors in their FMTV trucks, but that IS wishful thinking. Anyway I will start saving money for all this stuff. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hopefully that is what these will be.