HobbyBoss M1070/M1000 available at Sprue Brothers

Hey all just a heads up, maybe you’re already aware, the HobbyBoss 1:35 M1070/M1000 HETS is back in stock at Sprue Brothers. No connection, just FYI. It’s an amazing kit. I’m probably going to get another one along with a cab armor etch set so I can do a plain Jane version and one with the up-armored cab. Happy New Years to all and happy modeling!


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Jimbo, I have not spent a longer overall period in taking a kit from purchase to completion than this HET/Trailer kit from HobbyBoss. Literally years, as the over 1600 part count really doesn’t sink in until you open the box and either smile or shreik in horror… My first thought when reading how you want to add the armored cab and all of the PE that this revision would add to the already parts-heavy assembly was … well, you can imagine.
As Rudyard Kipling put it, “You’re a better man than I, Gunga Jimbo”.

Here it sits until I resolve to complete the final assembly, and find someplace large enough to place it properly.

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You’ve reminded me that I bought 3 of these! One standard or with pe, one for the guntruck and one for the MYTHICAL dump truck.

Im seriously thinking of selling #3, if its an in-demand kit.

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Now that’s a DragonWagon’s DragonWagon!


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There was one, just not for military service. I go back and forth if I want to do that with my kit or not.

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TBH my first reaction after getting that not - good news was to stick my fingers in my ears and sing “LAH LAH LAH LAH”.

Ive seen pics of a civvy one, but would love to see one tooling around in a dio.

And while im dreaming, the M911 would make a great guntruck.

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Sooooo many tires! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@JJohnson59 and hubs, and brake lines, and… LOL. Yes these are beasts for sure! But lots of modeling value imho :wink:


@m75 Jim thank you for the sentiment - it means more than you know, my Dad was absolutely enthralled with Gunga Din; it was his favorite movie and he would recite the poem from memory. As I said previously I look at kits like this as “more bang for the bucks” I guess. Heaven knows I have a lot of time accumulated in my stash. Retirement is probably still 8 years away but it can’t get here quickly enough for me!


My dream kit. Maybe I will have a free year to build one someday. Until then I will build a M1A2 Abrams and a D9 Bulldozer to put on the trailer.
Take care and stay safe friends,
Don “Lakota”

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I had wanted to get this kit until I found Accurate Armour’s kit from an Estate sale.
Don’t know when I’ll get around to building it though, gotta get my bench totally cleared.

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Yeah that’s my Dads favorite movie too lol! He loves it and watches it on his dvd all the time, he’s 88.

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