How do single-pin tracks work?

I know the double-pin tracks have tiny parts that are easy to lose. Does the single pin connect two tracks together?

If you mean the real deal then yes a single track pin joins two links using interlocking teeth as per the picture below.


Double pin tracks have 3 connectors. 1 in the middle and one on each end as below.

It has just occurred to me that you may mean on individual link model tracks, the same applies to them really.

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Wouldn’t double link more mean VVSS Sherman tracks etc?

I meant single pin 1/35 tracks. How do they work?

An example would be like assembling Friulmodel tracks. You have to make sure all the connecting holes are open and slide the pin(wire) through the holes and thus connecting the links together. R-Model I think make track sets that include just one pin for the tracks to connect.

Yes, the VVSS, and most other Sherman tracks, were double pin. So are a lot of other tracks. Most Russian and WWII German tanks used single pin tracks.

This bring up a question for me about modelling, what is multiple pins track?

Are those the one you put 1 pin each side of the track?


You mean the Modelkasten style method that has 2 short pins on each side?

I think I may have added to the confusion. I mean on a real track, having two pins, one at each end or side, connected by an end connector, like this:98053941_708959393192684_8132042815698894848_n

Not the Modelkasten (and others) method of replicating a pin by using two short pins, one from each side.image


My question was meant for OP. I don’t know why I typed “me”.

For single pin joint track, some kits of have 2 sides of the track drilled with the middle part blocked. However, some kits have the whole thing drilled so you can put the a long pin through.

Or the double pin joint track, which used on some tanks, like Sherman, has 2 pins per joint. You can make it worse in modelling by making 2 sides double pin tracks.

Because most of the tracks in real life don’t use 1 pin each side but 1 long pin for the whole joint, some people (including me) thought you talk about the real life tracks.
Otherwise, there are kits out there that dont even use pin to joint track, but by clicking them in together!