I suppose that I should know, but I am wondering how to mount CROWS on some ideas that I have.
For instance, can CROWS II be placed on a standalone pedestal tripod mount akin to the ALIENS smartgun or on the cargo bed of a civilian pickup guntruck (I’ve never seen it both ways)? Can it be placed on top of a sedan if the roof is reinforced to accept the weight? Can it be mounted on top of a ISO shipping container? Does it need a turret ring?
What does it take to power and mount CROWS II? Where can and cannot it go on top of? I’ve seen it mounted on Unmanned Ground Vehicles.
Focusing, I’d like to place the CROWS II on the cargo bed of a civilian pickup or a M-Gator “Golf Cart” unmanned vehicle as a semi-realistic guntruck or drone. Is that feasible–or how feasible can that be? Thanks.
It does not need a turret ring. Just a mounting pad with sufficient strength and a single cable into the hull of the vehicle/boat/container which goes to the control box, screen and joystick.
These photos kind of beg the question as to the cost of these RWS system mounts, or rather the sacrifice of protection (and I don’t know if these pickups are armored or not) for large caliber firepower.
However, these photos are exactly what I’m looking for so thanks again.