ICM (35414) V3000S/SS M Maultier Ambulance w/Shelter

No problem Mike, Lazarus can rest easy then :skull: :tumbler_glass:


If you change your mind Mike, you can still use that Dragon interior and convert the Dragon Maultier to a V2 Rocket site Vehicle:

Fz.Pos nr 206 = LKW 3t geschl. (Maultier ) LS-gerate-KW. Opel Blitz Maultier 3t S-type with radio cabin based on the S-Typ. Cables inside for connecting the antenna’s with the transmitter truck radio installation. Take a good look at the window - you can see the outer rim of the big cable reel.


@ petbat (Peter). Not happenin.’ That ship has sailed. I sold-off the Dragon kit 10 months ago. :ship:

PS: That Dragon (6766) Sd.kfz.3a Maultier Ambulance w/interior is a real beauty of a kit! :star_struck:


Hi guys. My to do list only got one item shorter today. The roof rack is affixed now. Measuring, shimming, balancing, measuring, re-checking… glued once. :sweat_smile:

Here’s today’s “extra dry-fit” session…

Jabo eye-view… :eagle::firecracker:


PS: Ahhh, sooo satisfying! :grinning:


That came out really nice

@ Chris_Bryan. Thank you. Really glad you like it so far. :ambulance:

@justsendit . I love it. I built that a few years back and really liked the kit.
It was very refreshing to have one that was not a opel


Just a perhaps meaningless architectural/historical note here: As in “What’s in a Name?”

The smaller raised portion of the cabin roof is called the “clerestory” as it brings additional light and added head room into the cabin. This name originated referring to the center raised portion on the Victorian style railroad passenger cars and stayed in flavor up through the 1950s.

Before that it was used to refer to the small secondary row of windows often seen at the top of a much larger dome such as our Nation’s Capital Building or St. Peter’s Church in the Vatican.

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