ICM (35414) V3000S/SS M Maultier Ambulance w/Shelter

Some enginner from my first job was down under on a long term contract (2 - 3 years) and had rented a house (whole family travelled). He didn’t want that pesky slot at the bottom of his door.
After a while he finally managed to persuade some building company to put in a door sill,
crazy foreigner wants a door sill but the customer is always right …
The day comes when the builders are installing that door sill while the Swede is at work.
He phones home to ask his wife if they are done yet.
She answers ‘Yes’.
Did we get that doorsill?
Does it look ok?
You’ll see when you get home …

When he gets home he sees the door sill
and he sees that the bottom of he door has been cut off
to preserve the code enforced opening …
That day he realised he might as well give up,
the Ozzies really want their Redbacks and snakes to have free access …


Somehow it seemed inevitable a thread about a WW2 German ambulance would descend into Ornithology…anyhoo all I know is it’s really a native of New Guinea rather than Oz & it sounds like a spitting sparrow, but for your further edification I’ve found Prof. Stephen HAWKing’s take on it just before they seemed to turn off his life support…

Gee nobody got the HOOD gag? :tumbler_glass:

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Government at it’s finest. :+1:

Nobody talks about hood gags in this parts, especially white hoods.

Oh…I see what you did there. :+1:

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And yet …

Got it. I’m formerly from “da hood.” :sunglasses:

I’ve grown numb to it all. :ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost: :expressionless:


Just an afterthought about cute Oz creatures…

Introducing the Klans oops Huntsman spider.

One fine summer morning years ago I was driving my son to school with my arm resting on the open window. Negotiating a T-junction turn in heavy morning traffic, in the corner of my eye I saw a movement that didn’t look like traffic or pedestrians just behind me. As I straightened up I looked around & stared one of these beauties square in all eight of his eyes, posing like Long John Silver’s parrot on my shoulder.

I’d read up on venomous spiders but the descriptor “Rarely fatal” wasn’t front of mind at that moment. Standing on the brake pedal didn’t dislodge him, so I alighted from the vehicle like I’d been electrocuted into the next lane flailing & yelling to my unwitting wife & kid to “Get it off me!!!” because it had retreated out of sight back over my shoulder at speed. Neither of them could see to what I was referring…nor the driver who nearly ran over me…nor the queue of people on the kerb opposite waiting for a bus, gaping at me. As I saw the last of its legs scuttle past my front wheel, I regained some composure, got back in the car & proceeded on as though nothing had happened :cold_sweat: :tumbler_glass:


From the internet no credit or blame with me

An Alabama pastor said to his congregation, “Someone in this congregation has spread a rumor that I belong to the Ku Klux Klan. This is a horrible lie and one which a Christian community cannot tolerate. I am embarrassed and do not intend to accept this. Now, I want the party who said this to stand and ask forgiveness from God and this Christian family.”

No one moved.

The preacher continued, “Do you have the nerve to face me and admit this is a falsehood? Remember, you will be forgiven and in your heart you will feel glory. Now stand and confess your transgression.”

Again, all was quiet.

Then, slowly, a drop-dead gorgeous blonde with a body that would stop a runaway train rose from the third pew. Her head was bowed and her voice quivered as she spoke, “Reverend there has been a terrible misunderstanding. I never said you were a member of the Ku Klux Klan. I simply told a couple of my friends that you were a wizard under the sheets.”

The preacher fell to his knees, his wife fainted, and the congregation roared.

Life is Short. Smile while you still have Teeth.


Shortly thereafter, was seen exiting vehicle at alarming rate, running into nearest pub, ordering and downing several pints of Foster’s. :beer:


A 'Cute" Oz Huntsman with another cute resident - a pigmy possum. Not a happy cohabitation:

A nice introduction to Australia for you Tim. You are not a true Aussie, natural born or otherwise, until you have had at least one huntsman get up close and personal. I had one of the huge ones tap me on the shoulder whilst driving. I had managed to trap the leg of one in the door. It must have climbed in when I was closing it, so it couldn’t go any further. Yeah, I climbed out the passenger side, then opened the driver’s door to make sure it dropped out, or if it fell in, at least not in my lap.

Robin, there has been a concession made with local authorities, we can now fit these:

…because due to changes in our laws, the older preventative measure is now rare to own and it needs to be locked away if you have one…


@ petbat (Peter). We can legally wear “preventative measures” on the hip here in Colorado.
Yah-hoo! :gun:


I’ve cornered and trapped some sort of beastie under a tile pile! I’m not going anywhere near that room until tomorrow — fully armed! … You guys are giving me the Heebie Jeebies!:spider:


What the?? Is that a suspension test or are you just renovating your bathroom? Sorry to creep you out – actually my wife Susie wishes to point out I omitted part of the Huntsman anecdote which I’d repressed. When I leapt out of the car I did yell “spider on me” (don’t remember that) and with great presence of mind she got out and grabbed the big umbrella on the back shelf of the car, came round to my side and proceeded to beat me mercilessly on the back until it dropped off – don’t remember that either. The spectators were thus treated to a spectacle of apparent public spousal abuse without equal :tumbler_glass:


You were lucky that it was an umbrella,
imagine the scene if you had just bought a new frying pan …


:rofl: yeah or Colorado/Texas gun laws :tumbler_glass:

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“Honestly officer, I was only trying to shoot that creepy spider on my husbands back …”

Many years ago, in that project we had in Oz, one of the locals told us about the time he was getting ready to watch footy on the telly and noticed movement in the ceiling/roof beams. No inner ceiling so the living room went all the way up to the sloping roof with visible beams.
He looked up and saw a big hairy Huntsman walking around. He didn’t want it to accidentally drop on him during the game so he started poking at it with a broom handle until the spider fell down.
Now the critter was stressed and defensive, rearing up on the six hind legs.
Mark took the broom and smashed the spider. The thing literally exploded and now he had spider splatter all over the lower parts of his trouser, from the knee and down.


It’s ok, this is a safe space. The “spider” was you you being cheeky and she was applying corrective action. I get it now, happens to the best of us.


This morning, I lifted-up the tile pile and found the beastie lurking underneath…

Dry-fit Jenga session.

Somebody call an ambulance!


Just a question Mike. The roof is not secured is it? Or is the masking tape on all the windows now on the outside? :japanese_goblin:

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@ petbat (Peter). Thank’s for having a look.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the subassemblies.

Chassis, Engine, and Running Gear
• Engine is affixed to chassis
• Front wheels are affixed to chassis
• Running gear is affixed to chassis
• Tracks are affixed to running gear (barely!)

Cab Body
• Cab is dry-fit to chassis
• Cab doors are dry-fit
• Bonnet is dry-fit
• Roof rack and spare tyre are dry-fit
• Shovel is in hiding
• Rear-view mirror is in hiding
• Jerry Can spout is freakin’ DONE!
• Clear parts remain to be added

Shelter Structure
• Shelter is dry-fit to chassis
• Roof is dry-fit to shelter
• Side doors are dry-fit
• Rear barn doors are dry-fit
• All window openings are masked from inside
• Rear steps are dry-fit
• Stovepipe is in hiding
• Clear parts remain to be added

Note: No interior design. One empty nest cleared and secured!:spider:

Lot’s left to do. … Jenga! :grin:


Looking superb Mike - I can’t recall if this will be a stand-alone or vignetted (if there is such a word) but if the latter & you need a short-cut these guys might still be available for audition, double-vaxxed natch. They’ve been well & truly buried in my garage :coffin: for several years so they wouldn’t be offended (nor will I) if you say no - I still owe you a favour but no worries if they don’t cut it…

:stethoscope: :tumbler_glass:


@ Dioramartin (Tim). Those guys look like they could really use transport to the rear. Unfortunately, this Maultier is out of commission… was abandoned during a hasty retreat… fuel gauge pinned on EMPTY… sputter, cough!

In a fantasy world, long, long ago… I had purchased several injured Germans and an Aid to populate a diorama. In addition, I purchased a Dragon (6766) Sd.kfz.3a Maultier Ambulance w/interior kit — had plans to cannibalize its interior for the ICM empty shell. … Those fantasies have long been spun down and sold-off. …

Many thank’s for your generous offer! :tumbler_glass: