Soon to be released, Brewster Body Shield. US Infantry.
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Soon to be released, Brewster Body Shield. US Infantry.
Oh. fun!
Good to see Americans making use of a good old Aussie invention. Same design flaws and everything.
I don’t see any design flaws. It is perfect.
Buh-loody-hell! That’s a new one on me - never, ever encountered this one before. Well done to ICM for something so different.
Mind you, reminds a tad of the armour in Monty Python and the Holy Grail…
This kit is so oddball I’m going to be purchasing two
Start saving up your money, there are a couple more sets of WW1 infantry with body armour which (hopefully) should be out this year: Germans and Italians.
Will do. I bought all three sets of German, Italian, and US trench infantry with gas masks