ICM SdKfz 251/8 sprue shots

Water drum.

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I dont claim any great expertise here , just a keen amateur, but this has just arrived and - it doesn’t “feel” like a 251 and everything suggests to me that this is totally based on the slightly different dimensions of the post war OT-810. Quick Google tells me that the OT was marginally longer and wider but quite significantly higher than the 251. Has anyone else received this and had the same feeling ?
(ps trying to measure it up against old built Tamiya and Dragon 251s to see if I’m right)

Two hour update - cant see how to delete the post - overall my advice ignore ME :hot_face: I think I am so used to the method of building Dragon that this configuration initially confused me (as I said keen amateur apparently prone to panic :scream:)

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My apologies for the mis-id, don’t know what (or if) I was thinking (a bit dopey on meds atm :mask:), and of course the nose is a clear type-identifier. Still, the image itself was what I primarily wanted to share. Thanks for the correction Robin :+1:.

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