WOW … That is going to be impressive … Im looking at F15’s but only in 48 scale … rreally looking forward to this one building up … No pressure lol
Great start with that one … I was going to do this exact one for the Centurion Group build but went with the Shot Kal … will be watching and taking notes as I still fancy it as its quite unique in how it looks.
Very clean looking build.
Though I build IDF armor this is one I have yet to purchase.
Great kit, good luck with it! Make sure that you don’t install the forward smoke-grenade launchers, these are abscent from ‘Doghouse’ variants.
Thanks Mate - I was told that this is a “problem” with the Tiger Model 4616…
The cage-bars are slightly oversized and the decals on the bazooka plates in my kit did not match fully the number plates, but other than that it’s a great kit OOB.
Did you get two sets of ‘Droids’ with the kit, in two different sizes?
No, but I’ve purchased the IDF Droid ATMD Set For Merkava Mk.IID or Nagmachon, Legend Productions LF1329 (2016)
Wow… Very promising, looking forward to it. I was thinking of doing a 1/32nd Kurnass but I need to find a conversion and decals and I already have all the goodies for a HAF Phantom.
Be careful with the exhausts and the ramps/moving parts of the intakes. The fit is not great OOB and some dry fitting may save you from a lot of trouble.
I blink and a new progress post pops up. Impressive!!!
Its down to a few days of research while I am on duty now. just trying to find out about certain areas for painting etc. Did the tidy up of the few weapons that needed it, and finished the front landing wheel. Will start on the main gear tonight then think about the order of painting and the cam scheme - (which I have just downloaded and printed off about 10 images of 101st Fighter Sqn - The First Fighter Squadron in various angles )
Beautiful, looking forward to watching this come together!
Further exploring the early “Magach 6” Slick with the M9 Dozer blade idea.
Academy M60A1 RISE with M9 Dozer Blade.
With a Legend Early Turret conversion.
I know the “Magach 6” has features that are not present in either kit and it’ll be more than just slapping a turret on the model and call it a day, but it’s a unique variation (in a long line of variations) of Israeli modified armored vehicles. I would think that taking an Academy M60A1 Blazer would provide you with the bulk of the parts you’ll need, but then you come up to how much extra cost you’re willing to put up with in order to get a certain variant put together.
.I also found that legend makes the IDF specific Dozer blade assembly as well.
Get the Legend IDF Blade set. The Academy kit only includes the blade, not the hydraulic lines, pump on left rear fender, front central distro box, etc. None of these parts are included in the kit. You would have to scratch them all. Also, the IDF had a few different features on their blade face and the pump unit was different.
In order to get a proper slick with dozer in IDF service you need the IDF Dozer posted above plus the Legend Magach 6M conversion plus a M60 hull. Both sets are expensive and hard to find.
The main difference is that the hydraulic lines in the IDF tanks are internal.
I was aware of the issue with the lack of specifics on the Academy Blade kit. I was considering using the parts from a Takom kit, but again, that kit doesn’t have the details the IDF version has.
There’s a shop on Shapeways (East Coast Armory) that makes the proper hydro line Elbows and reservoir for the Academy model.
But you’re right. The Legend dozer kit is the right way to go. especially what gtdeath13 says; the hydro lines on the IDF version are internal.
@gtdeath13 Niko, thanks for the tip about the forward moving ramps. I am going to do a lot of dry fitting on this Goliath before sling any glue at it. As for the kit exhaust, I have seen or read they are few mm long if build out of the box but I am glad there are resin correction because it can get complicated cutting 10 parts correctly to make proper length nozzle. 10 individual parts means 10 cuts/seams to fix and fit perfectly.
Life is to short to go crazy over plastic…no thank you.
Thanks to All that showed internet in my build. I will try my best to keep it moving forward with some interest.
It’s hard to believe, but the maiden flight of the F-15I was more than 25 years ago…
…but it still rocks!
On the other hand I might participate with another project of mine: דובי
btw - many thanks to @ReluctantRenegade for the above Hebrew spelling