The war in Gaza has had many pictures showing the latest versions of IDF armored vehicles. One is the 8-wheeled Eitan AFV. Has anyone thought about converting one of the many existing 8-wheeled AFVs to this new Israeli one. On the surface the wheel spacing and suspension look closer to the German Boxer, the VBCI, the VPK-7829 Bumerang, and theCM-32 “Clouded Leopard” as opposed to the LAV/Striker AFV.
Are there any drawings of the Eitan online?
Thank you


Can’t remember if Trumpeter or HobbyBoss, but a kit certainly is coming from any of these two, and a pic of a built-up one was published some time ago.


Only thing I’ve seen over here are pictures… but I’d wait cause the folks at Meng have a guy here that does stuff for them that I’d be arrested for…


And if you want anyone to do an Eitan, or Ofek, it’s Meng.

I pretty much know about all the IDF armored vehicles but cant remember the Ofek

Ofek, repurposed tank hulls as heavy APC / forward command post…
images (89)
images (88)

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The Ofek is not repurposed Merkava chassis but a APC that is based on the Merkava chassis just like the Namer.

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As I said, from HobbyBoss. From some details and shapes it’s closer to the prototypes than the version finally fielded by the IDF. But who knows what will finally arrive to the shelves…



I want one

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Just what I needed
Hopefully it won’t be too expensive when(if) it finally actually arrives
Anyone tried to add the anti drone screen on the Merk IV turret roof yet
Looks like a field mod after a drone took out a Merk on the 1st day

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Oooooh yes, come to Papa.

WYKYK, good to see you havent lost your humour, your neighbours havent knocked your head off yet and you are still showing an interest. Take care and keep the head down bud

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Peter, htfay :joy:
Yeah they’ve been trying since like forever but are an epic failure at it cause I’m s big target :joy:
I still follow the hobby and will always have an interest in it , even though I can no longer partake in the physical part of the hobby.
I miss that but the hands don’t allow it…
Such is life. So I spend most of my time withy vets and making sure they’re squared away and living a good life.
Nice hear from you and let the others know I’m still kicking an being the same old A hole they used to love.
No I’m not on social media platforms save for a YouTube channel I started and only actually put up a bunch of vids explaining the situation here
Regards Robert Goldman