The tracks and drive sprockets come from the Meng Magach 6B kit. That required some surgery to the final drive housings, to make the Meng parts fit the Takom hull:
I drilled the two holes on the centreline, but this photo shows I got the forward (small) hole wrong, so I enlarged it after taking the picture, to make the part fit on the hull’s locating lugs.
I couldn’t use the Takom parts here because the Magach sprockets are narrower, meaning the “cone” they sit on is wider on the Meng parts than the Takom ones.
The air cleaners are from an ancient Tamiya M60 kit, with a new front made from plastic card and 2 mm rod, as well as new hinges:
I later removed the clasps on the sides, as Israeli M60s appear to mostly have used the later model that didn’t have those.
By accident, I glued the infantry telephone back to front on its shelf, and removing it again destroyed the shelf, so I had to scratchbuild it:
Takom has totally omitted both the channel for the cable to it, and also the edge of the lid that overlaps the phone box and the angled support underneath (not visible here), so I added all those as well based on photos I took at Bovington over twenty years ago.
As the IDF upgunned (?) its M163 VADS with a four-shot Stinger missile pod, I decided to add one of those to the M247 as well:
The parts for it come from the Italeri LAV-AD kit, with some detail added (basically opened up the slots along the long edges) and on a mounting on the turret side made from scrap bits and plastic card.
On the rear of the turret, I closed the gunner’s door with plastic card and added a roof hatch left over from a Hobby Boss XM706 armoured car:
This because I wanted to add a stowage rack, which would be just about impossible with a door there. The rack itself is 0.4 mm brass rod, superglued into holes drilled in the model. I debated soldering it, but didn’t think my skills were up to it.