Idf m51

Dragon Premium Edition kit. Metal barrel and 2 good sized PE frets that will test me in more ways than one. Also DS tracks that I will use so long as they are neither too tight or too loose.

Completed 5/6 bogie assemblies. Sixteenth parts per unit not including the road wheels which are another 8 parts per unit. They are a bit gimmicky with 2 springs per unit but aren’t really necessary. Kind of like the spring on the barrels of some of their Tigers.


I think you made a typing error in the title… or you are building something no one else has made yet :thinking:

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LOL I will fix it.

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Nice work …
Just curious about the DV SAND thing is it the dysfunctional veteran thing? If so I was known as dvrabbi :joy: if not forget about it :joy:

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I built the same kit for the Sherman campaign and it is a nice kit. My major problem was the side fenders. I might be a bit stupid, but I never figured out how the front parts should fit together and ended up scratchbuilding it. Looking forward to see if you are smarter than me :smile:


Wow 16 parts per unit- not including the road wheels? Yeash!
Here I was complaining about 12-14 parts per bogie for my Dragon DAK Panzer IV E….

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The DV Sand is just my initials and abbreviated last name.


Yeah, started on the fenders last night. All that PE is a nightmare for me. Fit not great and directions pretty worthless in my opinion. We’ll see how it goes.

Yours look very good. Whether I’m smarter than you remains to be seen but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


DV, look forward to following! That’s an excellent start! A++

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Question for those more proficient workers with PE. I can’t solder so it’s either CA or epoxy. Front fenders and sides all PE. Sides are a three piece affair. No locating guides so everything will have to be eyeballed to get aligned and squared up. Two of the side pieces are long so I will borrow a PE bender. So basically I’m looking for suggestions/advice on the least painful way to go about this. Thanks.

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It’s looking good.


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Got ya…

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To quote Sgt. Barnes in Platoon: Take the pain!

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CA glue. This is eduard pe but Dragon pieces are similar


Yours looks really good. Have test fitted one of the front fenders. Not good. Gonna have to think on this for a bit.


DV, zero Sherman knowledge here but for difficult to align PE parts, I like 5 minute epoxy. That’s assuming the part isn’t too difficult to hold in proper position for a minute or so. If the part test fits OK, I’ll mix the two part epoxy and let it cure for a minute or two before attaching and holding part. There’s definitely other methods as Gino mentioned.


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I had the same problem and had to scratchbuild the front part of the fenders. It looks like the PE is made for a Sherman with a welded hull… Making the parts from styrene is not that hard, and if everything is going south, I think you have an option to use plastic fenders, if my mind serves me right.

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I would bail out on either. I do not like overcomplicated kits, hence my go at Academy’s M51.


Thanks. Had to check again for plastic option but found the parts. Problem solved!