IJN Hatsuzuki 1/200

That is a brilliant solution to the vents! They look great.


wow, what a great extensive build you have going on here. Amazing attention to detail, and impressive extra-detailing and scratchbuilding skills you are showing here. Very cool!

Martin, Mark, and Wouter, thanks!

The basic shapes are mostly good, but many of the small parts in this 1970s-era kit are problematic due to mold misalignment and flash. Fortunately, the capstan is one of the better ones.

The associated bollard, though, didn’t come out so well. It wasn’t badly designed, but mold misalignment makes it out of round and difficult to fix convincingly.

Also, the real fitting (seen here on the Fuyutzuki) was sharper, and the “horns” were finer and curved up at the ends.

Rather than trying to fix up the kit part, I made a new one from plastic rod with a punched disc top; the horns were made from a bit of brass rod passed through the plastic with the tips pinched with pliers and bent upward.