I'm a Movie Star Group Build

Well here’s my M41 finished! It’s a new record for me - a month and a half from start to completion. (It sat for a few days waiting for its time in front of the camera…)

I went with a fairly clean look as befits a tank borrowed for a single episode, so only a little light weathering. The white mufflers are based on the episode - I can only assume they were coated in some kind of white asbestos paint for heat-protection. The lower hull sides are in OD as I assumed they wouldn’t bother to repaint anything below the fenders, but the lower hull front and rear are camo’d grey. (And the wheels are grey too because I got carried away!)

I’m most proud of the muzzle brake, which was a sheet-metal addition for the filming. There’s a chase scene at the end with another tank where the barrel strikes and the “muzzle brake” comes loose!

The “Hell Machine” in its glory!: