I'm about to wrap up the Tamiya P-38J

I’m new here, hope that I am following protocol. If not please ping or email me and I will adjust.

I’m close to wrapping up my rendition of “Marge”, arguably the most famous of all Lightings.

Here’s a few pics.

This picture, those seatbelts…yikes!

This is as well engineered and molded kit I’ve ever seen. All of the flaws you see are mine. But despite fixing the dee-kalz, that there are no belts (cloth or PE) is inexcusable.

(I put the dee-kalz in my F-4B and have regretted it)


Looks good.

One thing: I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the shiny oval mirrors go on the inboard side of the engine nacelles. They’re mirrors so the pilot can see if the gear is fully extended.


You are correct. I did not know what they were at the time, thought they were like a manufacturer’s plaque or something, plus the decal layout sheet confused me a little.

This Tamiya kit, like the 1/48 F-4B I’m working on have splendid poster-sized layouts for paint and decals. I was too dumb to understand the drawing represented the inside of the two fuselages (is that right?) not the outer. As soon as I saw the panel on the outboard side I just put them down.


Very nicely done! Especially the canopy painting, which is never easy.

Protocol? We don’t need no stinking protocol…

If you haven’t clear coated yet you might still be able to remove and reposition them. Otherwise bare metal foil can replicate the effect on the inboard side. There are PE templates available to cut it, or you can eyeball it.

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Dam !!!
Definitely Nailed it Ed !

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The juice of pulling those “mirrors” off is not worth the squeeze to me, I do not mean the effort, I mean the risk.

Apologies to the purists, while I may not adhere personally (I try to only compete with myself), I do understand.

This kit was a joy to assemble, I’d say it is as good as the popular-opinion-greatest 1/48 F-4B which I am also working on. Hard to say either is better, the P-38 is simpler, but I think the engineering and fit is equal. Take that with many grains of salt. I just returned to the hobby, I am definitely a newb who is overwhelmed by the advancement of technology and quality since the 1990s.

I agree. I just pointed it out in case it was a fixable issue at this point.

You’ve got a P-38 to be proud of!