Imperial Japanese Army Light Armoured Car Type 94 TK | Armorama™

David Egrebor and his truly stunning diorama Imperial Japanese Army Light Armoured Car Type 94 TK Burma 1942 Pacific Theatre of Operations. Just like so many other countries, the Japanese military officials were ensnared by the tankette fad, during the thirties. The first model developed was the Jyu-Sokosha (1931), then came the mass-produced Type 94 TK (1933).

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at

Very nicely done tankette. The ground work looks great as well and nice job on the figure. Is that an old Warriors fig? Very nice job overall.

Does anyone know who makes that bamboo foliage?


Try “Reality in Scale” or “Dio Dump” for the bamboo and other foliage; although Reality in Scale does not seem to be very reliable at the moment (Order placed end of March, they’ve been paid and “nada” from them in the way of a shipping or delivery info).