ICM has posted renders for their upcoming new tool quarter scale B-26B Marauder

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://aeroscale.net/news/in-process-100-new-molds-b-26b-marauder-wwii-american-bomber
ICM has posted renders for their upcoming new tool quarter scale B-26B Marauder
It looks just superb. (Bear in mind the increased wing incidence of the G pictured below)
With the excellent (but pricy) HK B-25, several major US twin types are now well covered.
Unfortunately Hobby Boss robbed us, probably forever, of the chance of an accurate B-24, but thanks to ICM there is at least some very good medium size alternatives (He-111, Ki-21, B-26B) to small aircrafts in 1/48 scale, most of the WWII examples having been single engine types for 35 straight years… Medium twins are probably the very best types to make elaborate airfield dioramas, since they do have the span to create unused space around them, without being overwhelming in size. The Marauder was really the one I was waiting for the most.
Did You mention a new 1/48 Catalina ? Or did I just hear that…hmmm in my head ?