Kettenkrad for sale

If your wallet hold´s 200,000 Euros it´s yours


If I had 200,000 Euro burning a hole in my pocket? Why not? Looks like a hell of a deal, its only $215,860.00 USD.

Seemed like a better deal and much more rare…

You can see quite a few of them on Militracks videos; looks like a fun vehicle to drive around the farm.

The premium they got for this example may have something to do with also having the trailer. There are so many Kett’s around there had to be something more about that one to fetch such a price.

I know a Plumber not far away from me who owns one Kettenkrad, a Schwimmwagen and several Zündapp and BMW motorcycles with and without Beiwagen. He restaurated all by himself and he stated his fully functional Schwimmwagen is about 60T € worth. Not a bad idea to save money for the retirement :+1:

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It’s only $291,640 CAD. Looks like a really nice restoration.

That’s some parade in that vid! Must be a fair chunk of the surviving examples…

if you watch Combat Dealers, they mention a lot of the parts are faked to the point you can build an entire vehicle from them.

NSU company build around 550 vehicles from left over parts after WWII. So some can be post WWII. The vehicle was intended for forest tasks.
I think this can be a great opportunity for metal companies to make new parts.