I didn’t find the M-ATV unbuildable. It wasn’t the easiest build, but far from unbuildable. To each their own though.
What was the problem with building their M-ATV?
I didn’t really have any issues. It does have a lot of PE and you have to be careful building the suspension to get all the wheels to touch. The directions are a little cluttered too. Nothing that would make it unbuildable to me though.
I had that Panda M-ATV about half done when it was stolen. I found the suspension close to a nightmare! The coil springs gave me fits, and I finally made my own out of springs that I found in a box. Never got the main body started, so can’t comment on that. Still looking back; the next time around would have been much easier on my feeble brain. If I build another, I’ll make the coiled springs out of lead free wire sold in fly shops by the spool.
I was in the same boat - that suspension defeated me. I am, of course, nowhere near the modeler that Gino is and I’m not at all surprised that he got the thing together but it was beyond my meager skills. I don’t toss models, but that one is in my spare parts box now.
Let’s hope for more reasonable prices; I am very interested in their russian weapon loading cart but find it expensive for a relatively small kit.