KV Soviet Heavy Tanks. protptypes-pre-series-KV-1-KV-2 and the German KWI/KWII Beute Panzer captured tanks. | Armorama™

Here I try to do justice to an offering from Tankograd that is not the usual fair. KV Soviet Heavy Tanks The soviet tank that paved the road to victory, protptypes-pre-series-KV-1-KV-2 and the German KWI/KWII Beute Panzer captured tanks.

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://armorama.com/news/kv-soviet-heavy-tanks--protptypes-pre-series-kv-1-kv-2-and-the-german-kwi-kwii-beute-panzer-captured-tanks-
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As the author of the KV book I like to express my thanks to Darrren Baker for this positive review. Yet allow me one note: All specific details of each production batch is provided both in graphics and photos in each chapter. Yet they are not repeated in the 2D and 3D total drawings at the end of the chapters. This is because there was no need to repeat information already given a couple of pages earlier but also not to obstruct Felipe Rodna’a excellent drawings with dozens of pointing arrows. Instead and by purpose the 3D graphics provide an unobstructed view on the design. Jochen Vollert

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Thank you for answering my question as I could not see what the change was with the images.

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