La rencontre - The encounter

You are more than welcome to steal this idea… :wink:

Steal ? … well if you’re looking for your tracing paper and can’t find it you’ll know who to blame ,… lol

Hey, I said steal the idea, not the paper itself!!! :open_mouth:

I’ll be using a pile of Artefakt’s excellent “Shattered Glass” for Anthropoid in due course. I guess you won’t need many shards & in any case easily home-made with a transparency sheet, a sharp knife and 20 minutes of spare time - once you’ve frosted it of course :tumbler_glass:

I already wondered if it will be solid enough to represent shards if I cover one side with pva glue… I will certainly put it to a test…

Would the paper soak up acrylic lacquer?
Instead of PVA …

That would be an option, but since I have no Laqcuer (yet) (or do you mean varnish?), I first will try pva :slight_smile:

Tamiya clear, other brands clear, floor polish

Laqcuer would be thinner based in my experience :slight_smile: Surely I have varnish… Enough options to try therefore :slight_smile:

Just peeled off the tape… How do you think it looks? I know I’m still in for a couple of touch ups to do, but want to know what you think of the balance of the different colors?


Erwin, that camouflage job is beautiful! I think you have the colors and the balance just right. It looks great.

Looks good Erwin , I wouldn’t worry too much about touch ups the camo was hand painted and not perfect . That and weathering .

Looks like WWI cammo to me! Nice.

Thanks fellas… The black deviding lines are next. The greates issue I see, is the lack of coverage on the rear, the dark grey area. Though this has been primed, the subsequent layer took on an odd look… The same on the right side, btw.

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The lines are on, and corrections made… The (IMHO) hardest part is over…


Fantastic work on the camo- it looks brilliant.

Looks excellent that camo is really sharp.

The black outlines really set things off! very nice.

Thanks friends. The black outlines indeed finish the whole scheme off. I really wonder how effective it was…

In the meantime I also created a overhead crane from Evergreen and chains to embellish the factory ruin…


I was thinking the same about the scheme’s effectiveness, kinda late Matisse (?) so it would be perfectly invisible when in combat in an art gallery. The camouflagers were really hedging their bets, I guess the blue was in case it was attacked from below by tunnelling Pioneers. Great job Erwin & love the crane addition :tumbler_glass: