Leo 2A8?

New stuff all the time.


Have been curious about this kit. Is it sold in the USA yet but otherwise, is there a ball park price? Tks.

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Ballpark, 42€ at der sockel shop on pre order.


That is superb value. The quandary is, do I wait for the Meng or do I pull the trigger on the AH? Tough one.

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Is this the model Germany is currently fielding or is it a prototype?

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Just a prototype/demonstrator. It´s not yet decided how a Leopard 2A8 would look like. Our Leopard 2 will not have the M151 Protector RWS.

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So the Leo 2A7V is the current model then.

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Definitly. And when the modifications are done on all tanks, the V designation will be dropped. They´re just Leopard 2 A7.


That’s a great price. Amusing Hobby kits are outstanding.

Here’s a link I am following indicating the advanced systems to initially be procured:

I am very interested in this version but am undecided as to whether to wait for Meng? 42 Euros is attractive though, but prefer to see the plastic before buying.

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Here some images of the Leopard 2 A8 demonstrator.


These are great thanks! I hope the plastic kit has all the external detail including defensive anti-projectile/missile system.

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I heard that the Bundeswehr Leopard´s will get the turret roof armor from Greek or Spanish Leopards. A lesson learned from Ukraine War. To me it´s to early to think about a Bundeswehr Leopard 2 A8.

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Don’t know how this ‘information’ was born.
This is not an A8, not even an A8 Demonstrator. It’s just a chopped show tank.
Cool looking, with strange features, but show.

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That was my worry also.

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