Leopard 1 AVLB

This is a model I got for a bargain a couple of years ago. It’s a resin kit of the Panzerschnellbrucke Biber by Elite Models in 1:35 scale. Very low quality kit, with bad castings with bubbles, flash and lots of warped parts. This was especially evident on the bridge. Because of this I was never happy with how the model turned out. Luckily, a fellow modeller posted pictures of his 3D-printed bridge for the Biber recently, and he was willing to print one for me. With this much, much better bridge I was finally able to restore this model and get it to a finish that I’m happy with.

The model represent a Leopard 1 brugleggende tank (AVLB) of 111 Pantsergenie Compagnie Royal Netherlans Army. The parts for the conversion to a Dutch vehicle were designed and 3D-printed by me, with the tracks coming from the Revell Leopard 1. The model is painted with AK Real Colors, with different shades of green for the different bridge parts. Because I also had an idea on how to present the model, I decided to try and make a diorama for it. I used Resin Water from AK-Interactive, trees and bushes from GminiatureS and reed from Model Scene. It was quite a challenge to make a diorama I felt happy with, as I’ve never really done much diorama building before. Nonetheless, I’m happy with how this model turned out, and I can now proudly display it next to my other Leopards.



sorry you have had experience with the model but must admit it looks good. i built the master a long time ago in the 90s
glad you have managed to create a great model

Thank you Michael. What a coincidence to meet the modeller behind the original master! It looks to me like an Italeri Leopard 1 that was converted to a Biber? The master isn’t the problem, it’s nicely detailed. The problem is the bad casting, which is entirely to blame on Elite Models.

Hi jasper
I think it might have been italeri or revel tamiya was the only other choice in those days