Life Miniatures 1:10 RAF Pilot Bust - Home coming

Hi hombres,

Some time ago I purchased the Life Miniatures 1:10 bust of a RAF Pilot, named “The Few”. A few weeks ago I decided to try my hand at it. Part of the fun was collecting the pictures of the various pieces of equipment. Since I pained only smaller scale figs thus far, the figure provided me with a new type of challenge. Since the execellent sculpt shows the serveral layers that comprise the clothing and equipment, it took me a bit to find out what layer is what. I also wanted to portray the dog in the black and white variant, as opposed to the more common brown one. I painted dogs before, but again not in this scale.
Anyway, on to the pics. I hope you like them :slight_smile:


Looks great.
Really nice paint work on the pilot and dog.

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Thank you very much for the kind words.

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For a first go at a large scale figure this is fantastic work. You have a firm grasp of how the shadow and light works and have paid attention to the small details like the braided cable, the dotted scarf and the reflection in the goggles. I think the leather flying cap and gloves look great too- just the right amount of shine to suggest leather. You have also done a stellar job on the dog with the color there really layering nicely.

The only thing I would suggest you need to look at for the next project is to watch the thickness of the paint on some areas- the face, the edges of the jacket collar and the goggles seem to be areas where you have perhaps laid the paint on a little thick. In such a large scale this is very easy to get wrong and I get it wrong myself plenty. The skill you show thus far though suggests to me you will easily and quickly get the hang of things in this scale.

Thank you so much for both the compliments and the criticism. Some places indeed have more paint layers than is good. It is not easy be subtle with acrylics. They don’t blend very well.
Also the pictures are telling things that can’t be seen with the naked eye.
I have 2 more busts in the stash, so I will take your comments with me when I get to them.

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Acrylics can be blended a little better with the right mediums like Vallejo Glaze Medium and there are ‘slow drying’ mediums that, when added to the paint, allow it to be worked for longer. You really have to get to grips with how your chosen paint behaves and this takes time and you will learn as you do more figures. Pretty much every figure I paint teaches me something new!

I used glazing medium for the goggles, to create the translucent effect. Never used it for regular paint work. I will try it next time.

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What a great bust you have there Erwin…noooo! put your shirt back on, I was referring to the RAF Pilot, :wink:.

Joking aside, a very nice paint job that adds to your varied portfolio, many of us stick to one element of our hobby, i.e. armour or aircraft…to name a few…but you’ve produced excellent examples of figures, armour, planes, trains…and probably automobiles, :slightly_smiling_face:…so my hat’s off to you my friend, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

G, :beer:

Awww, I was already hoping for a new carreer! Bummer!

Thank you once more for your kind words, my dear friend. I do like to very in my builds, as it keeps things interesting and adds up to my skill toolbox. I didn’t do a full civilian car for many a decade, however I frequently help my wife while she builds hers. Specially the paint job on the body work.

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