Looking for a W. R. Brown PC410 Air Compressor Manual

Hello. Just checking to see if anyone would have a link or anything where I could get, or download, a manual for a W. R. Brown PC410 Air Compressor. Did some searching and tried the company and everything with no luck. So, I thought I would ask here to see if anyone would be able to help.

Thank you,

Are you troubleshooting or trying to repair?

No, it works fine. I inherited the compressor when my father-in-law passed away and there wasn’t a manual with it. I am just one of those people that likes to have a manual for things like that. So I am just trying to track one down. Just my OCD in action I guess. :confused:

Thank you for asking.

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Ahh, I see.

One piece of advice:
If it has a tank and if the tank has a drain plug → use that plug regularly.

Mi SilAir compressor had a plug in the tank,
I didn’t use it, the tank rusted and developed pinhole leaks,
the tank is no more, it has been recycled together with the drain plug,
assembling new tank from emptied fire extinguisher …

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Thank you for the advice. Sorry that your compressor tank rusted out. One of many setbacks that can plaque a scale modeler!! :open_mouth:

Thank you,