Looking for an explanation on this M1 MBT

From elsewhere on the interweb, and someone cleverer than me, the Great North American death bush…

And “late”


The wife will be furious if any of you scavenge her daffodil garden to replicate this. :rofl:


Definitely two tone green. I’ve been up close to the 3rd ID tanks. They wouldn’t tell me what the deal was. I asked if it had to do with thermals and/or other optics when viewing the tank but I just got redirected.

I’m away so I don’t have access to my images but I’ll Try to do so later.

3rd ID tanks at Ft Stewart. Very new here. Taken in 2022. Now they have some wear on them. Interesting light colored scrapes and scratches showing on the paint today (not shown here).


I have never seen the fabric sections on the turret and barrel……interesting

Just look at that straight and shiny towcable!
Looks like an Italeri/Revell part!

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12 posts were split to a new topic: Judging models

Just different spray patterns on the spray gun(s).

You can sometimes see that effect on freshly painted NATO three color schemes.

When I was stationed in Germany, all of our vehicles were repainted before going downrange to Bosnia in Dec '95, and the black and brown had that hard edged outline.


If you look at about the eleventh post from the top I think it’s rough overspray that attracts dust. I’ve seen it multiple times since posting that and still believe that’s what it is.