Looking for best PBY in 1/72

Always one for apricating a ballsy move, I came across the account of Major Jack Cram flying General Geiger’s personal transport aircraft at Guadalcanal. In a desperate situation, Henderson airfield had been badly damaged by heavy navel shelling. Patrols found Japanese transports with more than a dozen destroyers moving to drop off reinforcements Having only a few flyable SBD’s and Wildcats to attack the transports Jack joined the attack flying the Generals PBY5A. He put two torpedoes under the wings and with 5 minutes of instruction on how to use the torpedo’s he took off after the SBD’s but before the Wildcats. He arrived as the SBD’s were making their runs. He started his dive a mile out and made his run at 100 feet. He dropped the torpedo’s with both making hits and sinking the transport. 5 Zeros jumped him and his crew fought them until he was back on the ground. Gotta love this guy!


So now, gotta build this aircraft with two torpedo’s strapped under the wings.

  1. Who makes the current best PBY in 1/72nd?
  2. Where to get two torpedo’s that torpedo bombers would use?
  3. Where to get that aircraft’s decals?

Ad.1 The best choice is Academy/Hobby2000 PBY-5A
Ad.2 For example:
Eduard 672245 US torpedo Mk.13
Brengun L72204 USN MkXIII torpedo
Ad.3 There are no decals sets with individual markings for this AC. The remain option is to find someone who print decals and to order individual markings.

And BTW - this should help:

Outstanding find Top.
You might enjoy this expanded write up on Cram.

From the Internet, the Blue Goose.

Final resting place from an accident is off Ocean View VA, Chesapeake Bay 5/19/1945.

I agree the Academy and it’s versions is the better boxing. Interesting that the Black Cat boxing has the correct buno number.