Just started the new 1/350 USS Ford - details galore
But all of the fittings, hoses, etc. can’t all be grey - right
Don’t want to guess at red, black, white, etc.
Is there an online reference or pictures that show the various colors?
I figure that a late-model Nimitz class CVN 76/77 would probably be the same
Large photo of the anchor/chain handling room
The above photo and some others give me the impression that pipes are painted the same colour as the area that the pipes are mounted against. Photo of the port side of the island which gives the impression of two different colours. Could have been taken while a repaint was ongoing but in that case it still shows the (very few) pipes having the same colour as the area behind.
Inside a hangar, pipes under the deck above
The pipes are generally painted to match the surface they’re mounted on, but there is a standard – ISO 14726 – for labeling the pipes to identify what they contain. For WWII ships, it was generally just black stencilled text labeling, but the ISO standard (the link has a PDF you can zoom into) has defined color codes for marking the pipes to identify their contents.
Someone has done some thinking when creating that site.
When I clicked the link it figured out where I was located and gave me
a Swedish version (maybe they simply used Google translate features)
That is absolutely correct, but those labeling is in total - so all three rings combined - some 5 cm/ 2" on smaller up to maybe 10 to max 15 cm / 4" to 6" on the bigger/biggest pipings. Often done by simple duck tape in the appropriate color. So that would make them almost invisible in 1/350 scale, just a fraction of a mm altogether.