There are footman loops and straps at the rear of the turret.
OK, the early one had a set of straps at the rear of the turret, they could only hold a total of 4 sleeping bags. Pretty much everything else had to go on top. There is a decent discussion on this higher up in this thread, but it takes a while to scroll up there and read it.
There are a few people here, including me, who were on those early tanks and should be able to answer any questions you have.
Just spent about 20 in’s thru to get a run started. The center guide teeth are very tight and don’t take a blade or drill bit well to hollow out.
End connectors are not much better.
Im using the Ryefield M-1A1 Desert Storm tracks on my Panda M-1. They are link and length design but well detailed.
I’m kitbashing the commanders cupola and .50 cal and loaders M-240 from Dragon.
I need to source different road wheels and tweek the the guntube length.
Yeah, they are fragile when you try to open them. I found that it takes really light pressure on the bit or they will crack and split. Of course if you try and force them on the pin you get the same result. I did crack quite a few, but there are enough spares that I still had a lot left over.
The first of the three photos about our fake M1 IP looks so realistic that I thought it is a real tank in a museum hall or so…
Congrats, really nice job!
If you’re talking about mine, thanks! I should have taken a pic or two when it was complete, it’s taken it’s place on the shelf in the garage, faithfully gathering dust
Want to engage the discussion on base color. Forest green or dark green? And who has best color match?
Thanks in advance
The color is FS# 34079. Lots of companies make it in their paint lines, as it is also used in the USAF SEA camouflage scheme. I love the Humbrol take on it. I can’t say which of the current acrylic paint lines does a match that I’d suggest aside from the old discontinued lines that I did use such as Polly S/Polly Scale.
I’ve been shooting my old school 70’s and 80’s US vehicles with Tamiya XF-65 Field Gray, to me it’s the perfect faded forest green color for the era. I actually think I read on here at one time to try it, and it’s been my go to color ever since
Coincidentally, that’s the colour I use as a base green for my Brit vehicles from '71 onwards (until 89 that is - I’m a Cold War modeller).
Forest Green.
All the parts came that color from the factory
I guess I should have included the “at scale” aspect. I need to get a bottle of the field grey and compare it.
Question on the rear turret webbing. Was that an issue item with the tank or something locally made? Trying to re look the TM stowage plan, have to find in another post I think.
Thanks in advance
Yes, that’s it, and it comes with the tank. It was only used on the original M1, so it will mot show up in any of the later TMs. For the Operators manual, that was TM-9-2350-255-10, volume 1, 2, or 3. I have 1 and 2, but not three, so I don’t have the BII or stowage listing.
Came with the tank.