M1078 Questions

Two questions about the M1078

First, does anybody know what happened to the company who made the canvas covers for the M1078 and if they are really gone is there an alternative part to use?

Second, I’m building an M1078 with s shelter in the bed and the questions are, are the sides left on the bed and how is the shelter secured to the truck?

The canvas was made by a company called Tank Workshop and they unfortunately went out of business. The only option is to make your own canvas.

The shelter (depending on which one) usually fits inside the bed sides. They are usually secured in the same way as on previous trucks, with cables and turnbuckles.

Civilian M1083 with shelter, but same idea.

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Perfect now I just need to find the turn buckers and cables.

The Italeri shelter comes with the cables and turnbuckles since it also came in their M925 truck kit.

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From MR Modellbau



I got the shelter kit already from this kit but the cables and tiedown look a little meh.

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Thank you, Sir. ill add these to my list.

does anybody have an interior shot of the cab

A friend of mine made a canvas cover form styrofoam for M1083

You can make a shape from balsawood and vacuform the part. Or do it old fashioned from Evergreen sheet.

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Amazing thank u