M113 MTAB picture request

Maybe, probably, with adjustments for size. I was looking at M60 and M48 AVLBs, too.

Thanks, @Frenchy !

Super clean progress on this build.

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I went through all the pictures that I have and nothing is legible.


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Thanks for looking, Ralph.


Prolly will start with the Citadel shaders on the running gear tomorrow.


I used the Citadel shader with their technical thinner on the running gear and tracks….

The tracks, road wheels, sprockets and idlers look pretty decent.

I bought some earth tone pastels, both oil and chalk types. I’ve never worked with pastels before, but I did a search here and got some understanding of what to do, I think.

The part I don’t completely understand is how they bond to the vehicle. Current finish is dead dead flat clear lacquer for applying the shader, and from what I’ve read here, a satin finish has the best “tooth” for pastels? Do I need to reshoot this in clear satin before proceeding?

And what is the preferred pastel? Oil of chalk type? Did some experimenting with the oil pastels and they seem to work pretty well.

Anyhow, that’s where I’m at.


This is not rust.

It’s supposed to be laterite dust/dirt.

I’ve never worked with pastels before. Whad’ya think? Too much? @165thspc @SSGToms @Tank_1812 ?


Overall, I like it. It has that used but not clapped out look. Potentially a little more dust is needed on the x frame area but it just might not be coming across on the photos, players choice either way.


Outstanding build Al. I’d say you nailed it. The pigment work is just right - it looks just like red Vietnam dust and grime. The detailing is exceptional. Your decals and finish are perfect. Excellent model.


Looks excellent to me yeah.


an outstanding build, well done indeed.


Thanks for the feedback guys.

I’ve still got to do some hydraulic lines for the bridge and add the antenna mount last.

I’ll add some more to the X frame before I mount the bridge to it. Still looking through my junk to find some white stencils so small they’re illegible for the bridge halves.

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Perhaps dust up/muddy up the tracks a bit more in the same colors so we know it is Red Georgia Clay from training maneuvers at Ft. Gillum in Atlanta rather than maybe thinking it is rust.

Myself, I might have used a light tan pigment rather than the “burnt red” but your weathering looks outstanding to me! A great build. Great paint and lettering. Subtle weathering yet definitely there and showing light to medium field use. Perfect!

If you had used the tan pigment it would have looked like it had spent several days running the dry, dusty summer tank trails of Ft. Knox, Kentucky in a 106 degree heat.

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Again you want to lay your final Matte Clear coat on extremely dry (as in hold the spray gun or can well away from the work and let the paint fall nearly dry onto the model surface) to achieve that microscopic rough tooth to the paint we spoke of.
Then somewhat forcably scrub the OIL pastels into this rough tooth with a short bristle brush for a nearly perminent weathered finish.

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This looks very cool…

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I’m just about done here. Is there a way to add streaks to oil pastels? Like with an enamel or white spirit to give the impression of wet or rain marks?
I’ve used the”rain mark” stuff on NATO camouflage but I don’t think it’ll work for RVN…

Wha’dya’ll think?


I think it looks great, congratulations. :+1::+1:


Looks awesome. Great job.


You can call that done. Outstanding model.

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Thanks guys.

I appreciate all the the guidance I got along the way and I’ve learned not to be a’scared to try new stuff.

Next up:

CAT D7E Rome plow. Although I don’t think I’ll be able to replicate @OpRN excellent diorama, I’m gonna give the dozer hell.