M113 track questions

Hello I’ve been training for a new job and been outbof the site. I have two questions what type of track do I put on a M981, M113 variant and are there any recommendations for a good company that makes the after market ones. And does anybody have any good pictures of the mounting for the ramp on the 113s.

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Standard M113 family uses T130 track. The newer ones seen on M113 family vehicles, since the late 2000-teens, are T150 track.

There are a bunch of options for T130 tracks. AFV Club does nice indi-links.

Fat Frog does 3D printed T150s, along with the new sprockets to fit them onto.

A good guide for US track.

M113 rear ramp hinges.



The Fat Frog T130s are very nice.


Perfect and thank you as always for your reliable and accurate support

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Def Model has also released two sets of 3D printed click together workable tracks; one set with regular pads, one set with worn pads. I don’t have them, but I expect they should be pretty good.

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My recent experience with the Def M113 tracks is that they do not stay together.

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I have a follow-on two-part question first I can’t seem to find the fat frog tracks anywhere where is a good place to look? Second what online stores are us based and being used by you guys?

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HobbyEasy has the Fat Frog M113 tracks in stock.

For online US stores , the big 3 are Sprue Brothers, Andy’s Hobby Headquarters, and Scalehobbyist.


Amazing and thank you

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