M1a1 ods

Very cold January in Grafenwohr.

Thanks HeavyArty

Thanks Metalhead85

My dad was a tanker and tracked vehicle mechanic and told me stories about that place in the winter

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Graf…the place of legends.
Did anybody go to Graf in July when the weather was nice?


I think once

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Yea, it rained!


Loved summer gunnery at Graf. Hated winters. That time I ran into a huge wild boar while I was taking a shortcut to the motopool. :laughing: :rofl: :grimacing:

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Yes! I remember seeing them out there on a few occasions.

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Scared the crap out of both of us.lol

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Yeah, guard duty on the ammo point at midnight on a rainy black night. I could hear them all around me but I could not see them. That empty rifle felt pretty useless.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: they gave us a club.

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Also pretty useless.

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Haha, true!

Reminds me of Dona Ana Range, New Mexico while I was in the 3d ACR, around 1986 or so. We had an ammo bunker a mile or two due west of the barracks out there. One night some young kid got spooked by a coyote or something and he popped off a round. Needless to say they took our live ammo after that. At some point after that the regimental commander was going around saying hi and patting everyone on the back. He asked the guard at the ammo bunker what he would do if someone tried to get in there, this other kid said he would probably let them in because he had no way to defend himself. We got live ammo back shortly after that


Common sense took over.

I remember pulling gaurd in -40 degree weather with just a club, on Christmas at Ft. Riley in 87. Found out the only thing that was at the ammo site we were protecting was a box of 12 hoffman (simulators) charges. We were pissed. Lol


When I was in Augsburg West Germany in the mid 80’s, there came a time when the kaserne I worked at was photographed by members of the Red Army Faction. A few weeks after this, on a very snowy December mids shift, one of the German gate guards was found dead at his post with a gsw to the head. They activated the Emergency Reaction Force which was myself and a few other troopies inside the building. We suited up for a blizzard and went outside with empty M16s. One guy was given a magazine of live rounds. We all went out and built ourselves positions in the snow and waited for the armed terrorists. One group had to go do medical response at the gate. Apparently, the dead guard was seen to twitch so they had to start mouth-to-mouth. Glad I wasn’t those guys. Anyway, they figured out that the guard had committed suicide at his post, so they pried us all out of our icy positions and sent us back inside - until it became known that the single mag of live ammo was missing. So, back into the snow we went to find the damned thing, until it was located on a desk in the platoon sergeant’s office where the troopie had left it. Whatta night!


Humm…The troopie didn’t remember he left it on the desk?


Sounds like a very interesting night Lee! Germany can be brutal in winter for sure.


Nope, but he was kinda dim to begin with. He could do his SIGINT job but he wasn’t a particularly good soldier.

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