A few pics with lots of sunlight for that color scheme!
DO notice the Wegmann-like smoke dischargers!
A few pics with lots of sunlight for that color scheme!
DO notice the Wegmann-like smoke dischargers!
I’m not seeing them, maybe I missed a photo ?
On the article, several down, was this:
I should have said “USMC-like”, vice Wegmann (which tend to be rail mounted). Zoom in and see the crenellations of the launcher. But it appears “neither/nor” as I zoomed in.
I thought so originally, but not now,
Easiest way to tell is 8 vs. 6.
Yes. The crenellations I can see in that front quarter view have me mystified!
That’s a M1A1.
It is indeed. I need to go re-read that entire article. It is about the SEP v3 deliveries, but gloriously mixes the A1 and A2 pics like bad popcorn seasoning. Without a descriptor. Thanks
Clearest pics yet of the colors and accessories. It intrigues me that the last skirt/dust shield is mounted for the Aussie version. We more or less abandoned them years ago. And yet the SEPv4 (PV09) that just landed at the Armor & Cavalry Collection has them too. Oh well, at least we kept the sprocket rings off!
You can see there’s a fitting on the #6 skirt & the #7 now hinges 180 degrees forward & is pinned in the aforementioned fitting.
Hinge & pin. My pic.
#6 skirt fitting. My pic.
Folded forward & pinned.
And the US SEPv4 has the dust cover, but no latch. LOLZ-