Hi , M26 Pershing 1:35 Tamiya , with metal barrel Aber, resin part from Panzer art and Black Dog. Tracks from Dragon
Greetings !
Welcome to the new forums!
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Welcome Michel and that model is beautifully finished! Your pre-shading is very well executed and the overall effect is outstanding. Excellent stowage too. A superb model!
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that’s one amazing paint job you’ve done there
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Hey Michal does the turret have a weld seam along the side? A friend of mine is building the Dragon kit which comes in two halves and wants to know if he should sand the seam smooth or leave a visible seam ? I was looking at pictures and it looks like there is a weld seam.
Again excellent job on it !
Well done. Shading used to good effect. Nice figure work as well.
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Hi! Tanks and yes, the welding seam is around the tank turret.
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Ok thank you
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