M29 Weasel and Typhoon-K from TAKOM | Armorama™

I’d offer a tenner for one Brian! :smirk:

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Tom, make it fifteen and we’ve a deal; wait a minute. Sod it, buy me a pint at a model show somewhere (somehow) and it’s yours!

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You’re on!

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Roger that; I’m at Abingdon this coming Saturday, and thereafter Yeovil on Sun 22 Oct. However, I feel they’re dry venues though I’m sure we can sort something out. A shame that On Track no longer happens.

Anyway, thereafter (the above dates) we’ll have to think about the New Year!

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Dry venues? Heaven forefend! I’m in no hurry given the size of my stash, so New Year is fine by me. I’d say the Tank Museum in Feb is the next likely meet-up. I really miss the OnTrack show!

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Very prophetic of you.

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