Im thinking of attempting doing a M4A1 with the E9 suspesion conversion does any know of any conversion set?
If you can arrange 3D-printing:
Some other stuff by HDS3D here:
This shouldn’t be too hard to do with some plastic card. It’s just spacers behind the bogies, plus a few other minor modifications. There are good photos of it at the Sherman Minutia Website that pretty much tell you all you need to build it, such as this one:
Good luck doing with plasticard the tensioner mounts at the rear. The spacers for the bogies and the sprockets are easy though.
best kit to use would be one of the dragon kits where the rear ider mount is a separate piece
With appropriately sized square tube as a base to save time and aggravation.
Just use an Asuka kit as your basis and build a spacer like the real thing:
That is to say, the whole idler bracket is a separate part, so all you need is a rectangular spacer plus some thin plastic card and bolt heads for the spacer’s flange.
I also offer these on Shapeways for those who do not have a 3D printer
@tanknick22 See post by HDSC2D above.
I think this is the set I bought for my E9 project