M54 POL Tanker in MASSTER

Thanks, guys. Lee, the PLAN is to make it look like it NEEDS to go to the wash rack after a week in the field!

Before I started the weathering process, I thought I’d make a few slight changes and solve a couple of nagging “issues”.

First, on all my previous vehicles I’ve used a system to create the hook ups (glad hands) on the trucks to connect the air brake hoses from the trailers. None of the M35s had anything so I just made up a small pin and bracket that would allow me to connect a scratch built connector which would also fit onto the trailer.

When I did my first M-54 conversion, I copied that scheme. The AFV has actual glad hands and I THOUGHT that simply installing a pin to accommodate my connectors would be fine.

Turns out when you try to connect the trailer, this configuration is blocked by the mud flaps and is just about impossible to connect,

And because the AFV kit gives you four of these, an additional two in the front, that was a “difference” between the old kit and the newer on.

Obviously, in the field you’re going to have variations within models, but I wanted to make the trucks fairly similar. So the obvious solution was to remove the two AFV parts from the rear position, install them in the front of my previous build so now that “matches” and then build the same old system, which I know will hook up just fine, in the rear of the AFV build. As Ernie Harwell used to say, “Two for the price of one.” (Ernie was the long time radio play by play announcer for the Detroit Tigers, and an absolute gem, and that’s how he always described a double play.)

The other thing I decided to “fix” was adding an electrical “slave” connection to the old build, which didn’t have one, to match the one on the AFV kit.

I’ve applied the first coat of my dirt wash weathering and after that dries, tomorrow I’ll evaluate the need for a second coat. Once that’s done I’ll post some final photos, both here and on my 1st Battalion 2nd Field Artillery in MASSTER post.


Nice looking build. Really like the truck and trailer combo. MASSTER looking good as well. :+1: :+1:

And here is the completed project build including the weathering. Gotta say that this has been a somewhat challenging build, but overall I’m really happy to add this often ignored but very important vehicle to my “motor pool”.

I’m also going to post these to my “Battalion” collection post.


Tom, you’re the “MASSTER” - pun intended. Outstanding and inspirational work.