M577A2 Questions and Build

Fair comment Gino. We are what we are.

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OOB Tamiya or a list like yours - complicated means something different to every single one of us.


My M577 interior to date. The mating surfaces between upper and lower hull sections didn’t “touch fit” so I’ve dropped finishing the interior. It’ll be just a look into the interior via the ramp.


Looking good. You can see a lot through the big, gaping rear hatch and the open TC’s hatch. Nice job on the interior.

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Before you throw in the towel remember you can fill the floor up with sand bags, C-rat cases, boots hollowed out, duffle bags, packs, a map on the wall etc., and if you get real enthusiastic you can get AFV Club’s ACAV and use the radios from that kit, there are several radios that are real nice looking when you paint the knobs and gauges and hang a mike on it and cables a clip board on the desk, or a row of clip boards on the wall maybe . . . and, well I don’t recall what your original plan was from your build post on the M577 but a view through the rear hatch was the only way anyone would see much of the interior anyway.

Cajun :crocodile:

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Don’t give up, get the inside painted and finished and it will look great :+1:

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Getting the gap filled between upper and lower hull. Originally I planned to loose fit the upper hull and try to get some detail in the back. They didnt fit square or flat so ill just add “what can be seen” from the ramp.

All good fun.


Looking good. I glued the side walls on and left the roof loose so It could be removed to see the inside.


Thanks Gino.

Smart move. I’ll do what I can from the ramp end.


Don’t forget to paint the inside of the ramp the exterior color.

Will do Staff, is/was this always the case with doors and hatches?

I’ve seen (models) where the hatch/door inside surface color is……my fancy new Pistachio.

Wrong, Or did it vary?


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Nope, they are always the exterior color.

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^^I’ll second that.^^

All hatch interiors are usually the same color as the exterior on US vehicles, other countries may vary. Sand on sand vehicles, NATO green on NATO camo vehicles, usually dark green of some sort on other camo types.

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Thanks guys. I’ll have to get back to a few previous builds. AAVR, LAV-M etc.

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Quick question. Did M577 deploying to ODS ever carry the wooden sections seen on the sides of this non- US version?


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Probably, maybe, maybe not. Usually in the desert they are not used. I know we still had/used them in Korea when I was last there in 2000. We mainly used them in the fall (monsoon season) and winter when it was wet and/or muddy. In the dryer spring and summer, we didn’t use them.

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Nope, never saw them there. AFAIK.

It looks as though at least one unit had them.

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Excellent Gino. Can continue with a clear conscience now.

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I never saw any in the US or Germany, and the tracks I drove didn’t have them. But as Gino’s photo shows, some people still used them, although the one in the photo is different than what the Tamiya kit has.

An interesting story, in Germany we did not have them. During a winter Field Exercise, someone from the S-3 section, I think it was the Major, went out and purchased a couple hay bales. We would spread some hay around whenever we set up the tents on the 577s to control the snow and mud.