Excellent camo - just off the wash rack!
Very sharp looking finish! I can hear the roar of that diesel engine in my head. The added M47 stowage bin on the bustle rack is a great touch.
Superb looking M60A1 in MASSTER, one of my favourite US Army schemes.
Real nice build and finishes.
Thanks all!
Next will be the IDF-version with mineplow.
While I was reading this thread I remembered that I’ve had the chunk of resin gathering dust since the 90s:
Still sealed in its original bags.
Whoa! Talk about finding a hidden gem.
Man! Thars gold in dat dere closet! That is a prized possession! It deserves to be used, in a build coming soon! Bill Miley was such a great guy. Funny as hell.
Nice job on the M60, love the camo. I have a few of those old CMD sets laying around. Think I have the T-62 turret….,
I just used one of those on this:
IMG_3640 by Russel Baer, on Flickr
I saved the jig for later too, for use on the DEF model conversion I’m currently fiddling with.
Time to update this thread again!
I got my grubby hands on an IDF-conversionset from Legend for a real good price and I wanted one, if only for the turret basket.
Well… I got what I bargained for. And more. I hated every minute I spent on this!
The basket does not fit on the turret nor do the parts to make the basket. The accompanying wire is so soft that just looking at them makes them bend out of shape. Straightening them is almost impossible.
But in the end it looks (slightly) better than with the original basket. And as a bonus I could add some turret details too.
Many other projects have come and gone, so now it is time to continue with this one!
It has been way too long.
The IDF M-60 is now painted and I have started detail painting, touching up and weathering.
I will also add 2 figures; a tank commander and infantry. I have had that figure for at least 15 years. No idea what manufacturer.
Looking great Ron.Shame the turret basket fought you.Im in the middle of an M60 frenzy.Put together 2 M60A1s so far and just started an M60A3.
I have the figure on the left, it’s from ADV- Azimut. I never did paint it though….
After an evening of frantic mixing, sloshing, splashing and biting my lower lip… I consider the figures done. All that remains is to dust them later on.
The uniforms are Vallejo’s “Russian uniform WW2” or shades thereof. I used brown and grey washes to vary in tone a bit more as well.
I also added a mic and gogglestraps to the commander.
Very nice job on the figures!