M931/M932 Tractor Conversion Kit | Armorama™

M931/M932 Tractor Conversion Kit

Vietnam-based Hobby Link has unveiled 3D-printed parts for its conversion kit for building a 1/35 scale model of the American General M931/M932 tractor based on the M923A2 or M925A2 trucks from I Love Kit:

HL1801 M931/M932 Tractor Conversion Kit

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://armorama.com/news/m931-m932-tractor-conversion-kit

This looks to be another great set from Hobby Link. They have been showing progress pics on their Facebook page for a while now.

Another nice thing about this is that the short frame is the same for an M929/M930 Dump Truck as well. You could use the Hobby Link frame and dump truck part from the AFV Club M51A2. Alternately, maybe Hobby Link will come out w/an M929/M930 conversion as well.


Hobby Link is carried in the US by Wanamaker Hobbies and usually have the full line in-stock.