MACCHI M.C. 202 FOLGORE - Kit Italeri 1/32

Hello everyone.
I closed my thread on the Mosquito ( here ) considering the Macchi MC 202 Folgore as a prime candidate to end up on my workbench. In fact I was wondering: I am an Italian modeler and I do not have any Italian aircraft in my showcases. This is not good. :-1:
According to common opinion it is one of the most beautiful fighters operating during the Second World War and without much to envy to the Allied fighters, at least during the early periods of the war.

Macchi MC.202 at National Air and Space Museum Washington

MC 202 at Vigna di Valle Museum

This is the Italeri kit

So the decision is made! This will be my next commitment in the coming months.
It promises to be a beautiful kit to build, it includes a Cartograf decal sheet, with 8 versions to choose from, PE parts, 3D cockpit decals and smoke ring decals.
The Italeri model was born under the aegis and approval of the Italian Air Force and this, except for the necessary checks during construction, should constitute a guarantee of the fidelity of the model itself.
I am waiting for the MRP color range entirely dedicated to the Italian Air Force in WW2, to begin this new stage of my modeling journey.
I hope that this construction can arouse your interest and your kind (as always) attention.


Speaking of Italian modeling subjects, after reading “Luck was lacking, but Valor was not” there were many photos of Italian soft skin vehicles, but I have found little in the way 1/35th scale models. Do you have any sources by manufacturers or retailers who might have such models? I am in the states, and so I don’t have many good sources.

IBG makes some Italian vehicles.

Military vehicles are not my main field of interest, but as far as I know, yes, I confirm what brekinapez wrote, IBG produces some. Here in Italy they are available but also on a famous Polish site where I usually stock up.
Not wanting to go off topic in this thread about airplanes, if you need more information write me privately