Made in Ukraine

Thanks, I just ordered a sheet of the decals. The flag staff can be taylored to the size of the flags. I have been eying sone kits of ironclads by this company for some time but had not been looking for flags before. Your note opened my eyes.


That Marder looks almost like a science fiction vehicle. What sort of tracks dis the kit come with?


I too have some of the A-Model kits of 50s Soviet jets like the Firebar. They looked like tough builds and I have found easier projects ever since they arrived. I’ll be interested to see how your Kamovs come out if you decide to go that way.


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Its great to see so much interest in this campaign. There are quite a few model companies in the Ukraine, some of which like UM I have not seen before. I hope at least some of them survive the current war.


The Monitor was molded in two halves making the join an important issue to get right. On the top deck it came out pretty well. I sanded the mating surfaces lightly to get as good a joint as possible and then glued them together with stiffeners underneath.

The bottom hull had a guide/plate already molded in and I did what I could and hoped for the best. It too was glued together and stiffeners added. Later when all was dry, an inspection revealed a step on one half but not the other. It was too late to do anything about it so it will have to be mended with putty.

The side plates of the hull fit pretty well and if I had properly sanded the hull top & bottom might have gone with no gaps. My fitting job was not up to snuff & there is a gap which I filled with bits of plastic & putty.

The turret went together fairly well but the bottom plate/floor will not, of course, fit. It will need some sanding.



They are not Tamiya box shakers that’s for sure.

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What is the length of the hull?

Paul the Marder comes with rubberband style tracks and are not that bad, or that good. I’m hoping for more definition on the aftermarket tracks.

Jacob, nice choice of the C 119, I could have gone with the Roden B-36 that is in the stash but I’m not sure where it would fit on the shelf! I will definitely be following your build.

The kit is in 1/144 scale and the hull measures out around 14".


I have seen some fabulous work with these but I like the metal tracks and the way they sag naturally.

How are these Roden 1/144 kits? I seem to recall they did the early B-36 withouth the jet engines.


A kit from the Ukraine arrive today. It is the Dora Wings Lockheed Vega 5C in 1/48. It was ordered well before the invasion and tracking only showed the label had been created. Today it turned up, safe & sound.


I am in with the Mistercraft SU-22. It is a revoxing of the venerable KP Su-17/22. Looks very nice although i have to replace the decals. Badly out of register :cry:

More to follow :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: I realize now mistercraft is a polish company :roll_eyes::grin::grin: So obviously I will build something else for this campaign.

Plenty of things to choose from in the stash, so I will go hunting and see what gets my interest :slightly_smiling_face:

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The modelsvit Sukhois are nice, but sadly only in 1/72

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So i started to cut the plastic yesterday and i have to say its not a tamygawa, thats for sure. What is completely missing is the interiour and cockpit, so i put something together from evergreen strips.


Your C-119 cockpit is impressive in this scale. Did the fuselage/wing joint fit OK? It looks good in the pictures.


Nope, I had tu add some putty. The plastic is realy soft so rescribing of the panel lines will not be fun. This kit is good if you want the C-119 realy bad, but its nothing for beginners. I also have the bigger C-121 in 1/72 and the An-12BK from Roden and im looking forward to both of them since i like these kind of planes.


Nice pace! So far I managed to cut out a few parts … :face_with_peeking_eye:

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