Made in Ukraine

I have the next version too :wink:

The plastic is strange … soft, full of gaps and cramps - but it goes to do it all … The original wheels had rubber tires with which I have bad memories - I exchanged for a DJITI’S Production resin product

Im building shortruns from time to time so I dont mind the extra work. This campaign reminds me of the late 80s kits as im also building the ESCI Dodge right now from original packaging.

Also have a soft spot fir short run kits. Us a unique and rare subject.

Chassis is done (I think). Engine is missing a few bits, but it’s not going to be visible and tbh, it’s not the best looking engine to begin with. Belt assembly also broke into 6 pieces when I took it off the sprue.

The plastic on this thing is the consistency of a warm crayon, which is good and bad. Makes clean up east but it’s also easy to go too far.

Fit so far is 5/10, but I knew that going into the build. Most importantly it’s sitting flat on the ground (for now).


I’m very impressed with the level of detail in that Dodge Chassis. There is so much there that it would make a nice model in itself.


Well. The story over here is fill, sand, repeat, repeat,…but were getting there slowly.


It’s there, but when you get up close, it’s not pretty. ICM and IBG both do nicer chassis assemblies. Though on the up side, the actual frame of this one is one piece, so it’s at least straight and level.

Maybe with a little more care in the cleanup and a willingness to finesse some stuff you could do something fun.

Mine is going to be rubber side down for the rest of its existence, so I just need something solid to hold the cab and box on.

At least your keeping the putty company in business! The kit parts look good so hopefully once you have overcome the poor fit it will look great.


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A bit more progress on the Monitor. Most of the small subs have been finished and are ready to install. The instructions call for a red bottom & I see online than many models & illustrations show it this way. I’m very far from sure that it was painted red but I looked and found a nice Rustoleum Colonial Red that at least pleases my eye. This paint was very nice, it went on easily and dried hard.

There are illustrations of the turret interior that show some additional bracing so these were made up out of brass rod. I could find very little about the interior so I left it mostly as the kit had it. With the two roof pieces installed nothing will be visible anyway so it hardly matters.

For the exterior color I choose a Rustoleum Dark Metallic Stainless that I had previously used on a science fiction rocket project. This was shot on the turret and the result was happy.



One additional peccidillow to report. The cannons had a PE wheel on the carriage. This wheel is unbelievably tiny and required very careful work to cut out & glue on. The parts launcher (tweezers) worked well on the first wheel but the second sprung away never to be found. I used my smallest punch to make a new one out of an old business card. Its waaaay too big but will not be seen except possibly through the roof with a strong light. Seen end on the difference will not be an issue.



hudson29-Do you sleep sometimes :grin:?? !! your pace is nice! :+1:

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I have been out of building for almost four years as I had a long distance move that took priority. Now I’m spending more time than normal in the pure joy of getting back to a hobby I love. I have two other builds going at the same time.



Im sure the monitor will have the “what the heck is that ?” Effect when people will see Your collection. Thats why I keep spending money on strange shortruns and convincing myself i will actualy build them.


Fuselage is done. Its not perfect, but close enough for government work. Its interesting that the kit has no interiour, but the wheel bays are not bad for 1/144.


Well done so far! :+1:

Will you improve the sheet lines ?? :thinking:

Some panel lines need to be rescribed but i will keep it sinple i have to save the energy for the Big Brother also from Roden…


Well done, Jacob!

Nice Job Jacob, your past the job that I dislike the most about building aircraft. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on.

Well not quite my friend, lets not forget that this is a doubble tailed plane so the fun continues…

I will maybe take break for a day or two from this project and treat myself to something more relaxing… like this baby