Managing all the stuff for big projects

Sarah, welcome to the forum!
Edit: Sarah Connor Wilson is no more. She has been Terminated.
Regards /

There’s much interesting discussion and generally friendly cast of characters.
Edit: there is also me … / T-800

Big stock pile of model supplies, prepped for the Zombie Apocalypse here. I applied the US Government Solution of throwing money at the issue until it disappeared.

Do you have a specific method for organizing your tools and materials?

An old hobby shop paint rack fully stocked with materials and paints. Hobby desk with two tool racks, a tool box and storage rack at back plus four drawers.

Do you rely on physical storage like bins and shelves, or do you use digital tools to track your inventory?

I use the Mark 1 Eyeball system upgraded with corrective lens 7.5 version (j/k). Basically, I look at shelf or open closet door to the stash. I found “digital tools” to be a waste of time when it can be organized so what’s available is obvious at a glance.

  • How do you handle restocking supplies during a project?*

My logistics control officer…orders what’s needed plus what’s wanted plus whatever looks interesting. Generally, she requires a $100+ order or waits until there’s a $100 of stuff on the list.


I think Sarah is a bot.


Yep, I think you’re probably right after looking at the profile.


BTW, you do have a wicked bench set-up. Mine is portable as I have to set-up everytime because I don’t have a dedicated space. I guess that’s what happens when you sell your house and downsize to an apartment.

Do you have to put all the tiny bits away to keep the kitties from playing? Because you know animals can have grudges lol.


@Uncle-Heavy It seems we have another BOT at hand…

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Yeap … BOT alert …

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Thank you, the set up just sort of evolved over time. What’s ironic is I’m at my least productive sitting at the nice desk building.

This is the productive spot, when stuff actuality gets done and happens…9 weeks at this bench…

…7 assembled models, four of them painted…it’s the temporary set up at my elderly mom’s house. Makes an interesting contrast.

Kali is very trustworthy and I have zero concern or worry unless I’m away more than five weeks…

…she’ll get mad leave a big pile of :poop: to let you know she’s getting upset :rage:. When I rescued Kali, wife took one look at the cat and said that one’s a $#i++èr if you make her mad.

Joey-Cat’s loveable but clueless. He won’t mess with anything but he’s going where the sun shines…or a bright warm light shines. Turn off the desk lamps or you’ll come back and find him on the desk.

Jesse loves to push items off shelves or desks into the floor. Jesse is absolutely untrustworthy and a ball of chaos.

Kali doesn’t allow Jesse near the hobby room. It’s an absolute NO FLY zone.

I close the door to the hobby room if away otherwise it’s never been an issue. Kali will demand attention if I’m at the desk more than ~ one hour at a time. Petting her buys you ~30 to 45 minutes longer. She’ll meow and cry at two hours.

Go over two hours, at your own peril, if she doesn’t climb on to your lap demanding attention you’ll get clawed in the leg or arm and it will bleed like a razor cut…

If there’s sun on the hobbyroom cat tree the clock isn’t ticking…if Joey is in her spot…

Long ago, I had a small 6 pound Calico that lounged on the desk under the warm lights while I was building. She’d also climb on my shoulder and watch the build. She never bothered anything. I think it’s possible to have a rapport with some cats, they know and sense what’s going on.


As Matt says, doesn’t matter the set up size, everyone works in that 12x12 or smaller area.


Benchlet is a better word :stuck_out_tongue:


So right, 12 x12 and everything strewn about like a bomb went off. I’m always in a rush looking for the right tweezer, file, etc. I’m trying to place tools in a tray to the right of me so there is less clutter. This has helped keep wayward tools handier.


I’ve never been able to get my head around this problem. I’m lucky to have a full converted bedroom as a hobby room and I’m sure there’s 35 sq ft of counter top covered in “stuff”. I seem to do all my building in a 6 inch square space right at the front edge of a single table (braille scale). I suspect there is a powerful, oppressive, malevolent entity in the room forcing me into this tiny work area.

Or I’m just a disorganized slob. :thinking:
