Sarah, welcome to the forum!
Edit: Sarah Connor Wilson is no more. She has been Terminated.
Regards /
There’s much interesting discussion and generally friendly cast of characters.
Edit: there is also me … / T-800
Big stock pile of model supplies, prepped for the Zombie Apocalypse here. I applied the US Government Solution of throwing money at the issue until it disappeared.
Do you have a specific method for organizing your tools and materials?
An old hobby shop paint rack fully stocked with materials and paints. Hobby desk with two tool racks, a tool box and storage rack at back plus four drawers.
Do you rely on physical storage like bins and shelves, or do you use digital tools to track your inventory?
I use the Mark 1 Eyeball system upgraded with corrective lens 7.5 version (j/k). Basically, I look at shelf or open closet door to the stash. I found “digital tools” to be a waste of time when it can be organized so what’s available is obvious at a glance.
- How do you handle restocking supplies during a project?*
My logistics control officer…orders what’s needed plus what’s wanted plus whatever looks interesting. Generally, she requires a $100+ order or waits until there’s a $100 of stuff on the list.