Never made a tank model before and melted the tracks. I followed the instructions where it said to heat up a screwdriver and tap the Nubs to melt the tracks together but I either held it too long or got the screwdriver too hot. Is there a way to fix this or do I need to buy new tracks?
Welcome to the forums!
One common way to fix broken, flexible tracks is to sew or staple them together. The join point can be hidden at the top of a sprocket, behind a sand shield, or even under a road wheel.
Normal model cement will usually work on flexible tracks found in modern kits. However, if the instructions show the heated screwdriver technique, model cement will very probably not work.
Super glue works with some flexible tracks. The only way to be sure is to try.
If the situation is really bad, after market tracks may be required.
Given the situation you describe, a few staples will very probably solve your problem. I suspect almost every person here has repaired a track with staples at some point.
Yes; old rubber band tracks that decided they needed a vacation from staying in one piece.
Welcome aboard. What kit are you building?
To test Doug’s gluing solution use the extra sprue material that kept the tracks together.
Staples are a good solution, or sewing them together with thin wire. Both can be hidden as said above and are strong enough, I would not rely on glue.
Also if you tell people what kit it is a replacement set of tracks may be available from a member here.
Tamiya M41 Bulldog
I don’t have any, but it may also help to mention in which country you live. Chances are greater that someone from that same one will want to post some to you, than somebody who has to pay airmail charges to do so
Nice kit to start on. I don’t think I have my rubber tracks anymore otherwise I would send them your way.
You said Tamiya M41? I have a set from the Tamiya M42, same tracks. Where are you at?